Not everyone
experiences the same winter we do here in the Northeast, but for those
of you who do, and those who may be visiting a region where winter
means frigid temperatures and snowy landscapes, we asked photographer
Weldon Lee, who regularly leads wildlife and adventure workshops and
expeditions in Alaska, Canada and other chilly climes, to submit his
A-list of tips for cold weather shooting.
• I know you're going to say that my first tip is way too basic to
even mention, but a lot of people who come to my workshops seem to
overlook it: check your batteries to make sure they're fully charged. A
weak or dead battery will put a stop to your photography pretty fast.
Carry backup batteries—they're insurance. Keep them inside your parka,
close to your body. (When you buy those backups, I recommend that you
stick with the manufacturer's recommendation; if you're shooting Nikon,
shoot with Nikon batteries.)
• Also basic, but extremely important: protect your camera and lens.
If it's raining or snowing, use rain gear; there are commercially
available, ready-made camera covers, but you can choose something as
basic as a plastic bag rubber-banded around the camera. Leave an opening
for the lens, of course. I keep a warm bias filter, like the Nikon A2,
on my lens at all times. Carry a terrycloth towel in your camera bag;
if your gear gets rained on, it'll soak up moisture better than
anything else.
• When you're changing batteries or flash cords out in the open, make
sure your camera is shielded. Try to avoid changing lenses because you
can get moisture inside the camera body, and it can freeze and damage
the camera (99 percent of the time I shoot with an 80-400mm [AF VR
Zoom-NIKKOR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED] on my D2XS).
• I mostly use the cloudy setting for my white balance—it's my
built-in warming filter. But if I want the images to look cold and have a
blue cast, then I'll change the white balance to daylight and remove
the A2 filter.
• I was asked recently if I had to use exposure compensation because
the camera's meter sees snow as too bright and underexposes it. I don't
find that to be a problem with digital photography. I use Matrix
metering and check the histogram regularly. I also make sure that the
overexposure indicators—the blinkies—are functioning. They let me see
right away that I might have an overexposure. I also recommend
frequently checking the LCD to see what you're getting. It's especially
important when you're shooting in the cold to see how temperature and
light might be affecting the images. So keep the LCD on; it can be your
best friend. If you're afraid of the battery going down, well, you've
got your extra battery inside your parka, right?
• I frequently use a Speedlight for fill-flash; in fact, I always
keep a flash on my camera—usually turned off, but when I need it, I turn
it on. The problem I can run into when it's snowing is snowflakes close
to the camera. The flash illuminates the flakes, and I can get hot
spots. Because I know that will happen, I do a lot of shooting so I'll
get some images where it's not a problem. Sometimes it's just one or two
spots that I can tone down in the editing process.
• When the shooting's done, or you're going to take a break indoors,
don't bring your camera into a warm place too quickly. It will fog up,
and it will take a while to dry out so you can shoot again. I recommend
putting the camera in your backpack or camera bag while you're still
outside. Zip up the bag or pack, then bring it in. Keep the camera in
there for 45 minutes or an hour before taking it out. That way the
camera warms up gradually inside the cold bag or pack.
• As far as your comfort is concerned, it's most important to keep
your hands and feet warm. I'm pretty resistant to the cold, so for
temperatures down to 15 or 20 degrees I wear a pair of fingerless gloves
that I put on over a pair of nylon glove liners. That combination gives
me a good feel for making adjustments and pushing buttons. When it gets
really cold, I'll put a pair of Thinsulate-lined wool mittens on top of
the liners and the fingerless gloves. When I'm ready to shoot, I pull
the mitten off, drop it, shoot, then put it back on. If you're thinking
of wearing full gloves rather than the liners and fingerless gloves, I
agree with the advice that you should take your camera with you when you
go to buy the gloves. For my feet, I rely on Sorels Snow Pack boots.
For the rest of my clothing, it's really just regular cotton clothing
worn over polypropylene thermal underwear.
• Finally, realize that one of the best things about photographing in
snow is that pristine snow on the ground covers up a lot of clutter,
giving not only beauty but graphic simplicity to your images. I do
workshops frequently and talk about going "in search of the winning
image," and to my way of thinking, graphic simplicity is a common thread
that runs through 98 percent of winning images.
We'd add that you might want to think about a nice warm hat...but
we're not as rugged as Weldon. Bundle up and grab your camera.
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